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New Delhi, Dec 22: Former President A. P.J. Abdul Kalam will teach students of the Faculty of Management Studies at the Delhi University this afternoon.

Kalam’s classroom session will not only include institute students, but also some students from abroad.

Students from Pakistan’s Lahore University of Management Sciences and MBA students from South Korea will attend the Indian Missile Man’s first lecture today.

Around twenty-eight students from Lahore and 20 executives from South Korea will attend the class.

“They are here to interact with our B-school community and industry. As this would be Kalam’s maiden lecture at our Institute, we have allowed them to attend, ” said FMS Dean J. K. Mitra as quoted as saying by The Hindu.

According to Mitra, nearly 90 final year students of FMS had been short-listed for the lecture session.

Joining the institute as Honorary Adjunct Professor, Kalam will take classes on economics, technology and national development.

The FMS invited Dr. Kalam to teach its students after his term as president got over. He had then expressed a desire to teach.

“A lot of our students wanted to take the course, but we had to do some filtering. Our alumni too were very keen to attend his lectures. I received a number of calls from around the world, but it could not be worked out, ” said Professor Mitra.

Dr. Kalam is expected to take over half a dozen classes till March end, which will be recorded on video. Dr. Kalam will give study materials besides giving presentations.

According to the Dean, there will be no exams after the course completes, but their will be a system for continuous assessment.

“When we revise our syllabus, we might make the course an integral part of it, ” Mitra added.

Dr. Kalam has been a Visiting Professor at several academic institutions across the country since he ended his presidential term. (ANI)
